
  In his classic novel,“The Pioneers”, James Fenimore Cooper has his hero, a land developer, take his cousin on a tour of the city he is building1. He describes the broad streets, rows of houses, a teeming metropolis2. But his cousin looks around bewildered3. All she ses is a forest.“Where are the beauties and improvements which you were to show me?”She asks4. He’s astonished she can’t see them..“Where! Why everywhere,”he replies5. For though they are not yet built on earth, he has built them in his mind, and they are as concrete to him as if they were already constructed and finished.

  Cooper was illustrating6 a distinctly American trait, future-mindedness7; the ability to see the present from the vantage point of the future; the freedom to feel unencumbered by the past and more emotionally attached to things to come8. As Albert Einstein once said, “Life for the American is always becoming, never being. ”9


  这是一篇关于美国文学的评论性文章,短文评论美国著名作家詹姆斯·费尼莫·库珀(James Fenimore Cooper)的小说《拓荒者》(The Pioneer)。文中主人公是一位土地开发商,带着他的表妹游览一座待开发的城市。从而揭示了美国人特有的一种性格——前瞻意识。虽然语言的理解不算难,但涉及到美国人独特的处事视角,对于中国读者来说,接触较少,很难有作者那种深刻的体会。对于我们陌生的主题或文化视角,翻译时应注意尽量用“直译”,少些个人发挥,但其文章的风格,则要通过译文充分地展示出来,特别要注意描写人和物的形容词和副词的翻译。


  1. 此句中有两个专有名词,涉及美国著名作家James Fenimore Cooper (詹姆斯·费尼莫·库珀)和他的小说The Pioneers (拓荒者)。库珀(1789—1851)是生活在美国西部大开发时代的一位作家。以描写西部边疆生活而闻名。hero 在小说中指“主人公”、“正面人物”,正式的用词是protagonist, 反面人物为enemy,正式用词是antagonist。land developer意为“土地开发商”,这种人在美国开发西部边疆时代十分时髦,他们极富挑战性和冒险性。

  2. a teeming metropolis 中的teeming意为“挤满人”、“人声鼎沸”、“熙熙攘攘”、“生机盎然”。teem,动词,原意为“盛产”、“多产的”,如The Taihu Lake teems with fish and shrimps.(太湖盛产鱼虾。)在本句中,teeming metropolis是比喻,可译为“繁华的大都市”。

  3. bewildered: 过去分词,原意为“使着慌”、“手足无措”,在句中作状语,表示方式,它跟在looks around 后边,可译作“深表困惑”,“满脸迷茫”,“茫然”等。

  4. 此句中beauties and improvements是由抽象名词转化来的,可理解为“美景和改观”。有时也可理解为“上位词”,上文提到的streets, houses和metropolis就是beauties and improvements所对应的“下位词”。在具体的翻译过程中,如果发现上位词不好译,可转到与此对应的下位词试试看。比如,觉得beauties and improvements译成“美景和改观”不妥,可尝试译为它们在本文中所对应的下位词“宽广的大道”、“鳞次擳比的高楼”和“生机盎然的大都市”之类的字眼。

  5. “Where! Why everwhere,”中的Why表达的是略带不耐烦与不快的惊讶。翻译时注意要把说话人的这种心态体现出来,有时标点符号就是一种很好表达语气的工具。译文中的标点符号完全可以和原文不同。这句话可译成“在哪儿?这不到处都是嘛?!”

  6. 此句中concrete意为“具体的”,“实实在在的”。as if they were already constructed and finished是虚拟语气,可译成“如同造好竣工一样”。

  7. illustrate: “展现”,“用实例说明”。trait: “特色”,“特性”,“特有的品质”。Future-mindedness: “面向未来的心态”,“以未来为参照点的思维方式”,可译为“前瞻意识”、“超前意识”、“未来观”等。

  8. vantage: 优越,有利的地位;from the vantage point of the future: 站在未来的高度,从未来的高度看。unencumbered: 没有阻碍的;不受妨碍的。the freedom to feel unencumbered by the past可译为“摆脱过去束缚”,“自由地抛开历史羁绊”等。feel attached to : “喜欢;爱慕;依恋”,这里feel attached to things to come可译成“情系未来”,“放眼未来”。

  9. Albert Einstein: 艾尔伯特 o 爱因斯坦,相对论的创立者,当代最为大的科学家,德国犹太人,二次大战中移居美国。此句中的难点是becoming 和being,前者指“未来”,后者指“现在”。句中is always becoming 意为“将来会变成什么”,never being 意为“而不是现在是什么”,整个句子可译成“美国人永远生活在将来而不是现在”,也可译成“对美国人来说,生活总是进取,而非守成”。









  “横行霸道”在英语中有着许多表达方式,比如: run amuck, like a tyrant, run wild, lord it over, gangsterism, gun law, play the bully, acting like an overlord。它们主要与以下喻体有关:lord(统治者,君主,贵族),tyrant(暴君),gangster(歹徒,匪徒),bully(恃强凌弱)。根据上下文,(我)“在家中横行霸道”,用lord, tyrant,gangster等的比喻不合适,用bully的比喻合适,比如play the bully at home,还可以用run wild(变野蛮,放肆起来),用run amuck就太过分了,原文中的“我”还没有到“要杀人”的程度。

  “隔离”一般翻译为“isolate; segregate”,“隔离病人”为“isolate the patient”;“隔离审查”为“take sb. into custody and put him under investigation”;“种族隔离”为“racial segregation”。此处“我”生病隔离,选“isolate”。“拘禁”字面意思是“take into custody; put under arrest; imprison; put in jail”。此处父母并不是真的“囚禁”了我,用“拘禁”二字只是表明了作者当时那种委屈的心情,事实上应该是“局限在、关在”的意思,应译为“be confined to; be kept in”。

  “打入冷宫”中的“冷宫”:戏曲、旧小说中指君主安置失宠的后妃的地方,现在比喻存放不用的东西的地方。在此,“打入冷宫”指失宠(fall into disfavor),或受冷遇(to be in disfavor),可以意译为“loss of favour,out of favor,in disfavor,fall into disgrace,be neglected”等。切忌照字面翻译为“cold palace”,或者罗里罗嗦的用“拼音+加注”的方法来翻译,或者按汉语思维方式用比喻译为“like a deserted wife”等。

   “郁郁不得志”中的“郁郁”形容忧伤苦闷,“不得志”指失意、失落,可以翻译为“be in dismay; be in a dismal mood; be in low spirits; feel sad and gloomy; feel depressed; become melancholy”等。

  “百花怒放”中的“怒”字切忌照字面翻译为愤怒,比如“a hundred of flowers angrily(infuriately, violently)opened”。“怒放” 指(花朵)盛开,有时也用来形容心情非常高兴或愉快,比如心花怒放,此处指盛开,可翻译为“in full bloom”。“百花怒放”作为成语可翻译为“Hundreds of flowers are blooming in profusion.”。

  “宾客云集”、“宾客如云”、“宾客盈门”都形容来客很多,如聚积的云层,如同充满了家门,切忌依照汉语思维,照字面翻译为“The guests gathered like cloud”,翻译出“多”的意思就可以了。“笑语四溢”中的“笑语”指谈笑、玩笑的话(cheerful talk);“四溢”指四散飘溢(waft),因此,“笑语四溢”可翻译为“Their cheerful talks wafted through in the air.”。

  “大千世界”原为佛教用语,世界的千倍叫小千世界,小千世界的千倍叫中千世界,中千世界的千倍叫大千世界。后来用来指广阔无边的世界。“大千世界”的字面义在英语中没有对应的,其比喻是可译的。“大千世界”的译文必须考虑与上下文中“(我在山坡的)小屋(里)”的“小屋”对比关系,即“大千”与“小屋”的对比关系。试译如下:In my little house on the slope, I quietly lifted the curtain to be met by a great and prosperous world with my elder brothers and sisters, and my cousins among the guests, all in jubilation。

  原文中“哥姐”、“堂表弟兄”要传达的信息与性别、长幼、父方还有母方等语义成分不大,原文的意图是作者等将“同辈亲属”的“喜气洋洋”与自己“郁郁不得志”之间的对比。原文的意图决定了译文的选择。因此,“哥姐”在这里译成“elder brothers and sisters”,“堂表弟兄”译成“cousins”反而在语用上得体。

  “穿插其间”不能照字面翻译为“penetrate and insert in it”。它的一般译法“alternate; do in turn; interweave; episode”显然也不合适。此处,“穿插其间”指(我的哥姐等)在宾客中间走过来、跑过去,根据上下文它强调的应该是他们在宾客中间而“我”不在,被,所以用一个介词“among”足以。

  汉语中表示情感的量词,主要用“股”和“阵”,英语中有相应的表达,例如:a cloud of grief(suspicion), a fit(flood, gush, storm, thrill, wave) of anger。 “一阵……悲愤”的“一阵”可以在其中选择。可是大多数时候,一套、一阵、一片等数量词语只是用来帮助形成四字词组而已,翻译时完全可以省略。比如:(1)你知道他们的那一套说法。You know their argument。(2)房间里爆发出一阵大笑。The room exploded with laughter。(3)观众中响起一片掌声。Spectators break into applause。因此,原文中“一阵……悲愤”的“一阵”也可以省略不译。


  Before I was taken ill, I had been a spoiled child of my parents, getting things my way in the family. Once isolated and confined to a small house on the slope of a garden, I suddenly found myself in disfavor and my wings clipped. One spring evening, with myriads of flowers in full bloom in the garden, my parents held a garden party in honor of many guests, whose arrival at once filled the place with laughing chats. In the small house on the slope, I quietly lifted the curtain, only to be met by a great and prosperous world with my elder brothers and sisters and my cousins among the guests, all in jubilation. All at once, seized by a fit of forlorn rage, I could not help bursting into tears.