
  If people mean anything at all by the expression “untimely death”1, they must believe that some deaths run on a better schedule than others2. Death in old age is rarely called untimely—a long life is thought to be a full one3. But with the passing of a young person, one assumes that the best years lay ahead4 and the measure of that life was still to be taken. 5

  History denies this, of course. Among prominent summer deaths6, one recalls those of MariLyn Monroe and James Deans, whose lives seemed equally brief and complete. 7 Writers cannot bear the fact that poet John Keats died at 26, and only half playfully judge their own lives as failures when they pass that year.8 The idea that the life cut short is unfulfilled is illogical because lives are measured by the impressions they leave on the world and by their intensity and virtue. 9




  untimely death:早逝;早死;过早的死去。

  run on a better schedule than others:更符合(死亡)时间表的安排。该时间表存在于人间习俗之中,与宿命论中的“天意”、“上天的安排”没有关系。

  a full one:圆满的一生。

  the best years lay ahead:根据上下文可以译为“才华尚未施展”。

  the measure of that life was still to be taken:意为生命价值有待估量,可翻译为“前途无可限量”。

  summer deaths:英年谢世者;在风华正茂时死去的人;在事业鼎盛时期而死的人。

  whose lives seemed equally brief and complete:此句为MariLyn Monroe and James Deans的定语从句,翻译时可采用分译法,即“此二人生命虽短,却依然完美无缺。”

  Writers cannot bear the fact that poet John Keats died at 26, and only half playfully judge their own lives as failures when they pass that year:这又是一个关于同位语翻译的句子,可以在the fact 前面加上“这个”、“这座”等词语,即“约翰·济慈年方26便溘然长逝这一事实”;另外,这个句子蕴涵的内容比较丰富,不可以用简单的一句话表达清楚,因此要用增词法,即调整句子结构,补充隐含的内容,可翻译为“诗人约翰·济慈26岁与世长辞,众多作家难以接受,半开玩笑地说,他们自己的生命即便超过26岁,也不过失败二字。”

  The idea that the life cut short is unfulfilled is illogical because lives are measured by the impressions they leave on the world and by their intensity and virtue:同上,翻译为“生命短暂即人生未成,这种想法逻辑欠通,因为,生命的价值尺度是它留在世间的痕迹,是它的质量和美德。”











  1.第一句由两个并列的成分组成,后半部分是前半部分的补充和解释。翻译时也有两种处理方式。一是果断断句,将原句一分为二,第二句增添主语They, 译作The world’s first generation museums are museums of natural history. They introduce to the people with fossils and specimens the evolution of the Earth and various organisms on it. 第二种方法是将后半部分转换成定语从句,The first generation museums in the world are those of natural history, which, by means of fossils and specimens,introduce to the people the evolution of the Earth and various organisms. 后一种译文结构更复杂,但也很连贯,是地道的英文。句中的“属于”并不表示“被拥有”,belong to, 实际上就是“是”的意思。见到“通过”并不一定非译成through, 此处就可译作by means of, 或者with.

  2. 第二句的结构与第一句相同,译文也可如法炮制。此句的难点在“阶段性成果”的翻译。这是汉语中比较流行的说法,如果不能确定英文中是否有现成的说法,则可采用“解释”法:fruits of industrialization at various stages.

  3. 第三句是一个“虽然……但是……”结构,清晰明了,应注意的是如何表达。“传播科学知识”中的“传播”一词可译作disseminate, 从语义和文体两方面来说均比较恰当。“科学知识”是一个偏正词组,应为scientific knowledge。 “科学技术”则是个并列词组,science and technology。“把参观者当成了被动的旁观者”,这部分是指建造设计博物馆的人在设计理念上仅仅把参观者当成“观看者”、“观众”。可采用拟人手法翻译 They (the museums) regarded /treated visitors merely as passive viewers。也可以用一个定语从句来说明这样的博物馆是怎样的地方 “are in fact places where visitors become passive spectators。

  4.第四句中“充满全新理念”翻译起来比较棘手。“充满”如译作full of, replete with, 一则容易引起误解,二则会使译文费解。因为不清楚Museums are full of new concepts 能否讲得通,是不是有word-for-word translation的嫌疑,不如根据上下文,发挥译者作为编辑和解释者的作用,同时发挥译文优势,灵活处理原文,将原文中的真正意义体现出来,译成designed with new concepts, 因为第三代博物馆的独特之处就在于它们的设计理念的创新上。

  5.该句中的两个以“自己”开头的句子结构对称,强调了在第三代博物馆里参观者本身的主动地位,“自己动手”、“自己观察”。因此译成英文也最好选择对偶句,结构匀称,读起来音调和谐,琅琅上口,visitors can operate with their own hands and observe with their own eyes。

  6.最后一句重复了“科学技术”一词。这种重复是符合汉语表达习惯的,但是译成英文这样的重复却不好,因为从修辞学角度讲,英文的一个原则就是avoid repetition。 在译文中可使用“语态转换法”,将原文的主动语态译成被动语态,They are brought closer/nearer to science and technology。 既避免了重复“科学技术”这个词,又更加符合逻辑,因为正是设计者的全新理论使参观者更贴近先进的科学技术。


   The first-generation museums in the world are those of natural history, which, by means of fossils and specimens,introduce the evolution of the Earth and various organisms. The second-generation museums are those of industrial technologies. They demonstrate the fruits of industrialization at various stages. Although they have played a role in disseminating scientific knowledge, museums of the first generations are in fact places where visitors become passive spectators.

   The third-generation museums in the world are those designed with new concepts. In such museums, visitors can operate with their own hands and observe with their own eyes. In this way, they are brought closer to advanced science and technology, and offered more opportunities to explore the mysteries.