
  In some societies people want children for what might be called familial reasons1: to extend the family line or the family name2, to propitiate the ancestors; to enable the proper functioning of religious rituals involving the family3. Such reasons may seem thin in the modern, secularized society but they have been and are powerful indeed in other places.
In addition, one class of family reasons shares a border with the following category4, namely, having children in order to maintain or improve a marriage: to hold the husband or occupy the wife5, to repair or rejuvenate the marriage; to increase the number of children on the assumption that family happiness lies that way6. The point is underlined by its converse7: in some societies the failure to bear children (or males) is a threat to the marriage and a ready cause for divorce. 8

   Beyond all that is the profound significance of children to the very institution of the family itself.9 To many people, husband and wife alone do not seem a proper family—they need children to enrich the circle, to validate its family character, to gather the redemptive influence10 of offspring. Children need the family, but the family seems also to need children, as the social institution uniquely available, at least in principle, for security, comfort, assurance, and direction in a changing, often hostile, world. To most people, such a home base, in the literal sense, needs more than one person for sustenance and in generational extension.









  familial reasons:家族原因。

  to extend the family line or the family name:就是汉语的传宗接代,延续香火。

  to enable the proper functioning of religious rituals involving the family:字面意思为“使那些涉及到家庭的宗教仪式得以正常进行”,但这样的译文读起来很生硬,可以意译为“维系礼仪”。

  to share a border with sth: 与…有联系。

  occupy the wife:occupy此处意为使忙碌,即“使妻子忙碌,让妻子有事可做”,不可直译为“占有妻子”。

  to increase the number of children on the assumption that family happiness lies that way:英语善用名词或名词短语,但汉语喜用动词,因此翻译时用转译法将 the assumption译为“多生孩子,因为他们认为,多子才能多福”。

  The point is underlined by its converse:underline 显示(其重要性),整句译为“这一点从相反的方面更易显现。”

  in some societies the failure to bear children (or males) is a threat to the marriage and a ready cause for divorce:and在此处表示递进的关系,译为“也,而且”,全句译为“不生孩子(或不生男孩)不仅是婚姻的一种威胁,还成为离婚的便当理由。”

  Beyond all that is the profound significance of children to the very institution of the family itself.:beyond all that意为除此以外;institution 和 family是同位关系,其意义并不是“风俗习惯”或“制度”,而是人类社会长期以来就有的社会机构或部门。因此institution of the family itself.这个短语译为“家庭自身这个机构或部门”。

  redemptive influence:赎救作用。该用法与基督教的教义有关,认为生孩子可以赎罪,可以了却罪孽,因为人类的共同祖先亚当和夏娃因吃禁果而有了罪孽。










  1.第一句中的“辉煌”一词在时下可汉语中很常见,多用作形容词,如“辉煌的成就”brilliant achievement、“战果辉煌”brilliant military victory等。但现在这个词也越来越多地用作名词,如“走向辉煌”、“未来的辉煌”等等。从原文的整体出发,“温哥华的辉煌”可以理解为“温哥华的繁荣”,the prosperity of Vancouver。
“其中包括多民族的贡献”一句中“民族”不可理解为汉语中常说的“少数民族”(national minorities)。加拿大是个移民国家,温哥华也是个移民城市,其居民来自世界各地,属于不同的“族裔”,因此应译作ethnic groups。

  “温哥华(Vancouver)的辉煌是温哥华人智慧和勤奋的结晶,其中包括多民族的贡献”这个句子在汉语上是讲得过去的,但是如果照字面翻译成“The glory of Vancouver is the result of the wisdom and diligence of the people of Vancouver, including the contributions of many ethnic groups.” 就不符合逻辑。可以转换成定语从句,作插入语。

该句中的另一个难点是“……是……的结晶”这种比喻的译法。其实无独有偶,英文中也有同样的比喻,如 crystallization of wisdom 智慧的结晶 (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary),不妨信手拈来。

  2.第二句三个分句,却有三个不同的主语,看似三个并列句,实际上第二、第三部分是对第一部分的解释或证明。译成英文时应该确定主语,并决定把哪些信息放在主句中。其余则可灵活处理,安排在从句、独立结构等次要位置,Canada is a large but sparsely populated country, with a territory larger than that of China but a population of less than 30 million。 有人使用boast 一词来翻译该句Canada boasts of a large territory and a small population 不太妥当,因为boast的意思是to possess with pride 骄傲地拥有。“地大”值得骄傲,“人稀”似乎并不是值得骄傲的地方。

  3.第三句中的“外来移民”不宜按字面译为overseas immigrants 或foreign immigrants,因为immigrants 这个词本身的意思就是person who has come to live in a foreign country。“长期奉行的国策”也有一个较固定的说法 pursue the national policy of ….

  4.该句需要进行句型转换,决定谁主谁从,使译文的句子结构主次分明,同时也将原文的逻辑关系表示出来。可以将“除了印第安人外”转换成一个介词短语作插入语,把“不同的只是时间长短而已”转换成一个非限定性定语从句who differ from each other only in how long they have lived in the country。也可使用分译法,一句译成两句It is correct to say that all Canadians are immigrants except the native Indians. They differ only in how long they have lived in the country。

  5.“屈指可数”极言数量之少,可用one of the few. “多民族城市”中的“多民族”是multinational或multi-ethnic。

  6. “亚洲人”根据上下文应理解为“亚裔人”,people of Asian origin, 或people who come from Asia。能仅仅译成Asians。同样下句中的“华人”也可指’“加籍华人”,严格讲是生活在温哥华的华人,可译为Chinese Canadians in Vancouver。

  7. “经济转型”是近年来常在我国报刊杂志上出现的词, 因为我国正处在经济转型期,其英文是economic transformation。“对……起决定性作用”,可借用play a decisive role, 是固定说法。

  8.最后一句的翻译也有两种处理方法,一种是拆译法,将一句分成两句来译。另一种方法是将前一部分确定为主句,后一部分转换成一个伴随成分。第二种译法更符合英文的表达习惯。此外,“温哥华地区”中的“地区”不是行政区划的prefecture, 而是一个地理概念,指的是“温哥华市及其周边地区”,所以可译为the Vancouver area.


  The prosperity of Vancouver, to which many ethnic groups have contributed, is the crystallization of its people’s wisdom and industriousness. Canada, a sparsely populated big country, has a territory larger than that of China, but only a population of less than 30 million. Admitting immigrants has therefore become the long-term national policy pursued by Canada. It is safe to say that the Canadians, aside from the Indians, are all immigrants, who differ from each other only in how long they have lived in the country. Vancouver is one of the few multinational cities in the world. Among the 1.8 million residents in Vancouver, half were born outside the country, and of every four residents one comes from Asia. The 250 thousand Chinese immigrants have played a decisive role in the economic transformation of Vancouver. Half of them have come to the Vancouver area within the past five years, turning it into the largest Chinese settlement outside of Asia.